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Videos I have made can be seen at my youtube page here.
November 25th, 2008: Uploaded a new photo album from my experiences with Ken's Team this year. I'll be moving from Japan to Charlotte North Carolina next year so this was my last year to be involved with Ken's Team. It was a great year with everyone and I have a lot of wonderful memories. Also one big news item, the original ten minute version of Lion vs. Raptor has been uploaded to youtube.
In a completely unrelated topic, I'd also like to introduce the new Awesome Marker (seen above). It denotes when something is awesome, particularly when uploading said aweomse item required overcoming stupid bullshit that was thrown in my way by shitass companies and their shitty products, like Apple and Corel. In the (near) future I will be uploading a video/article about how much I hate Ulead 11.0 and how fucking awful a software package it is but for the time being we'll just stick with the kickass Lion vs. Raptor video. I'd like to do the same for quicktime but I'm confident in the fact that everyone out there already knows how shitty quicktime is so its really not necessary.
November 20th, 2008: I've created a new article which is in video format in order to try something new, I hope you all enjoy. Let me know what you all think, I'm eager to hear others' opinions or ideas on the topic. The video relates to universal health care and the unfortunate situation in the United States. Hopefully with Obama as the new president the situation in the U.S. will improve and the rest of the world can welcome us to the 21st century.
November 18th, 2008: Three new updates. A new photo album filled with some random photos of my life in Japan. (Japan Life Album) A story update with continued coverage on my Thanksgiving preparations and the introduction of a new image. When visiting different sections of the sight this image will naturally be located next to new posts. On one final note I've got a few new posts coming soon. I've started working with XNA this past weekend and have fallen in love with C# and the mathhelper class so I'll be posting some of the simple 2D games that I've made. Also a friend of mine has been reading about the history and the future of OpenGL and is a little less then pleased with the direction it is going so he has an article in the works that contains his view on that whole aspect of computers. His article will be posted here shortly but if you're new to computer graphics this would be an excellent place to start to get an understanding of how OpenGL has developed over the years and where it may be going in the future.
November 11th, 2008: Two new updates in the Stories section. Ryan visited me awhile back in September and we had a dinner party, great fun of course since he finally made it back to Japan. The second update is related to the upcomming holiday...No NOT Christmas, but a much more superior holiday Thanksgiving! I've got two more updates to make this week so come back and check in on us again.
November 10th, 2008: I've been doing a lot of great stuff recently and I've also got 90% of a number of updates done so I'll have a few things coming into the webpage on a regular basis. First off is a new photo album.
September 19th, 2008: I've got a bunch of updates to add that I am working on, but for the time being I felt compelled to upload the following video from TED. Especially interesting since the election is coming up. The video is a psycological view of the difference between liberals and conservatives.
September 4th, 2008: I've added a movie to the movies section under Art, so feel free to check it out. I've also added a few more videos to my youtube account. Furthermore in un-related news if you search for "Zytemis" in google you can find Lion vs. Raptor.
September 1st, 2008: With the olympics finished I took the opportunity to do a new kind of comparison to see which country has the most athletic citizens on average. The results may surprise you, does more medals mean better athletes? Not necessarily. How Athletic is Your Country?
August 24th, 2008: I've been incredibly busy recently enjoying Obon Heisei 20, check it out and see what I've been doing all summer. It includes complete details on my two weeks of vacation that I shared with Tomoko. Furthermore, my lovely wife bought me the new Canon Digital Kiss X2 (digital rebel in U.S.) and its fucking awesome, you can see all the pictures I've taken with it in the Onomichi and Bali albums located in the art/photo section. I also recently received my Intuos3, so I will have some new illustrations being posted very soon. I just have one final statement I'd like to make, on Saturday morning at 7:30am construction workers in Japan seriously need to fuck off. Check out this bullshit I have to deal with every weekend, literally within spitting distance from our bed.
July 31st, 2008: It's been a busy month so I haven't uploaded much to the webpage but I have some news for anyone. Next week (on Monday) Tomoko and I will go to Bali so I will be sure to take some good photos and upload those when I get back. I'm currently interviewing with OLM Digital in Tokyo which is the company responsible for the pokemon movies, so we'll see how that goes. Oddly enough I have recently found out a good friend of mine Garth from Illinois is currently living within cycling distance (roughly 100km) from where I live now with Tomoko. I haven't seen him for roughly ten years so its incredible that I would meet him in Japan of all places. Lastly I have two 'gems' I've found on the internet that I wanted to share with everyone. The first is a video about the internet from If you don't know TED check it out in my links section. It's awesome!
Secondly, is a funny article that a friend sent to me. (cheers Mike). Bugs of Death!
June 27th, 2008: Alright this week I have made a bunch of updates. Check out all the various new information in the Art Section. I've divided things into albums and gave short descriptions on what each image is. The wedding album contains a few images from the wedding, but more are to come shortly.
June 20th, 2008: It's been over a month since I've updated but I have good reason. On May 17th of this year I got married in Hiroshima city. I will post some photos as soon as I get those. However for now I've added a new links page, and also another article. In the latest article learn about your BMI and calculate it, also inform yourselves about the excessive amount of costs associated with obesity and poor eating habits.
May 8th, 2008: I've added two sections, check out how you've become a closet homosexual because of video games in Amos' first contribution to imagine. Also check out my first experiences at Hiroshima daigaku when I experienced Entrance Exam Hell!
May 2nd, 2008: I am getting married on May 17th to the world's greatest woman (a report on that later), right now, I've got wedding blues, and her name is Kabuto-san.
May 1st, 2008: Amos has joined the team to bring more articles covering different subject matter. He's a good friend and an excellent writer so I am pleased to have him contributing to the site. Check out more information about him at About Amos.
April 29th, 2008: I've upgraded the graphics on the page significantly and heavily modified the design of the site to make it easier to make updates. The gallery section has also received a nice upgrade which makes use of a much nicer interface.
April 24th, 2008: goes online. Well I spent the day reading all I could about CSS, Dreamweaver, and PHP and I am happy to announce the easily updated, faster loading, streamline version of imagine.kicbak.
May 25th, 10: Travian Vis
Vis is better than
the game.
December 15th, 09: Mario AI
One agile plumber GGJ - DYMYW
November 30th, 09: Thanksgiving09
and this years
winner of
SIAJAWWTA Pie Competition